Monday, November 10, 2008

Charlie Huston

I love books. Reading is my first and most favorite hobby, though I still haven't found a spiffy way of slipping this into casual conversation. Somehow, sometime in my twenties 'reading' stopped being a decent answer to the 'what are your hobbies' question, I've no idea why.

Anyway, I love good books. Good writing, good plot and great characters all in one manuscript. So rare, so delicious. I'll take two out of three when I must (often) and sometimes even one out of three but oh when I can get all three! (I do a little dance). The only way to make this even better? An author that is a decent bloke. An author I can like and admire and possibly even adore just a little. (What's worse then finding out the author you've been crushing on is a total homophobic asshole? Yes, yes, I am bitter, virtual cookie if you guess which authors have broken my heart.)

The prose style is distinct and unique, the character is engaging and recognizably different from the male protagonist of the author's other series (do you have any idea how rare that is?). The world is gritty, violent, fascinating and set in NYC.

This is Charlie Huston's Caught Stealing.

It is available for free in pdf form! Right now! For a limited time only! Go!

The two sequels will also be available soon. (Why the hell is this website so ugly and difficult? No fucking idea. But worth it for the great book for free!) How is that now the awesomest thing you've heard this month? (Well, second awesomest, I'm still feeling the afterglow of Nov. 4).

Why is Charlie Huston himself awesome? Because he writes without sentimentality but with great empathy. Because he offers us all new and original writing on his blog for free (a sure way to my heart). Because I love the way he talks about his family and himself. Why don't you go find out for yourself?

P.S. Dear Charlie, if you could only clean up your blog you would have an officially awesome online presence. Yes, I know you're very busy right now, what with baby and books and books and baby. But Srsly. Srsly!

P.P.S. I actually adore his Joe Pitt series a tiny bit more but Hank Thompson is very very cool.

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